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Jesus the Christ: New Edition。

'theos' in TW III, pp.65–123; K. Rahner, 'Theos im Neuen Testament' in Schriften I, pp. ... 360–87; H.Sasse, art. aion in TW I, pp. 197–209; G. Delling, ...。

Dictionary of the c Inscriptions (2 vols)。

Levi Della Vida OA ii 79, 93, Vattioni AION xvi 45, Aug xvi 542, ... tw lbyrt yb Cowl 308: they came to the fortress of Yeb; blny lbytk Ahiq 52: take me to ...。

Græcum Lexicon Manuale, ... labore S. Patricii auctum ... deinde ...。

Párrados , fasciculus , vel sarcina vestium , icon sis aion by rñ oixic re ... ταύτην ' lóan isuomes Eigim ser num , homines specie quadam obstupefa Gl . V.

